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Ceramics | Substance (PBR procedural material)

https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/textures/miscellaneous/ceramics-substance-pbr-material Demo of procedural ceramics PBR material (Substance) with triplanar seamless mapping. Made with Substance Designer, rendered with Marmoset Toolbag. This adaptable material can be useful for texturing terracotta objects such as statuette, pot, amphora etc. Material requires mesh maps to work properly! It requires position map, ambient occlusion map, base normal map, world-space normal map. All these maps can be baked in the Substance Painter/Designer/Automation Tookit (SAT). Customizable attributes are: - surface color - dirt color and level - dust color, level and depth - scratches amount and depth Substance have 16 adjustable parameters. My Artstation: https://artstation.com/maxim_kovynev CGTrader: http://cgtrader.com/maximkovynev

Видео Ceramics | Substance (PBR procedural material) автора Opel Showcase
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