12 physics I Oscillation I Solved Example 5.12 / A bar magnet of mass 120g, in the form of a rectan
A bar magnet of mass 120 g, in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped, has dimensions l=40mm, b= 10mm & h=80mm. with the dimension h vertical, the magnet performs angular Oscillations in the plane of a magnetic field with period pie s. If its magnetic moment is 3.4 Am2, determine the influencing magnetic field.
Видео 12 physics I Oscillation I Solved Example 5.12 / A bar magnet of mass 120g, in the form of a rectan автора Outer Space Odyssey
Видео 12 physics I Oscillation I Solved Example 5.12 / A bar magnet of mass 120g, in the form of a rectan автора Outer Space Odyssey
8 ч. 43 мин. назад
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