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Train crosses motorway with no warning in Tamil / Signal இல்லாமல் நெடுஞ்சாலையில் பயணிக்கும் ரயில்

A railroad crossing is defined as a point in the road at which pedestrian and roadway traffic intersects with a moving train. Because of their size and the speed at which they travel, trains are always afforded the right of way on the road. If a train were traveling at a standard 55 mph, it would take the length of 18 football fields to come to a complete halt even with the emergency brake activated. Trains have a much larger mass relative to their braking capability, and thus a far longer braking distance than road vehicles. With rare exceptions, trains do not stop at level crossings and rely on vehicles and pedestrians to clear the tracks in advance. But in some places there is no any sign indications.So, it is very dangerous to the vehicles. RAMYA DIARIES

Видео Train crosses motorway with no warning in Tamil / Signal இல்லாமல் நெடுஞ்சாலையில் பயணிக்கும் ரயில் автора Romantic Recipe Rhapsody
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