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Education Study Paper Premiere Pro MOGRT

Education Study Paper Premiere Pro MOGRT - https://1.envato.market/OremVN #educationalvideo #mogrt #premierepro Try this Adobe Premiere template! Make a short video opener about your college, university, student life or educational process in the style of chalks and brushes. EDUCATION STUDY PAPER Create professional and clean education or graduate slideshows, promotion of new courses or students life video in original motion design style in a few clicks! Do you want to make history or videography about your college or school or higher educational institution? Use that project!!! You need to show your classroom or students or learning process for all the world? Use the “Education Study Paper” template! MAIN FEATURES: - If you have Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2021 and above you don’t need installed Adobe After Effects software - 1080p (1920×1080) resolution - ONLY ENGLISH SOFTWARE! - No plugins required / very easy to edit - PDF Help File included - Change All Settings with Control Layer (Color Control) - You have to install fonts BEFORE running project! - Used Free Fonts (Font links included) - Used Music, Images and Videos just for Preview, not included in the project file - 0:56 min duration - 11 unique scenes - 14 Placeholder for your media (photo or video) - 33 editable titles ======= ✅ Premiere Pro Templates - https://1.envato.market/k0gd0n ✅ Free Mockups, Design Templates - https://1.envato.market/3eAQ2d 🟢 Personalized subscribe button and social media. My profile - https://go.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=352719&brand=fiverrcpa&landingPage=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fiverr.com%2Fbilsvetlana

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