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Soulrender Dormazain (Garrosh) Heroic - Sanctum of Domination Protection Paladin POV | Fintusius

Hello There, I'm Fintusius a rank 1 PvP Player & High End Mythic (Paladin) Raider in World of Warcraft and here's my Protection Paladin POV (because our main tank is on vacation, so I stepped in!) of the kill we did with the boys from my guild Bad RNG. If you enjoyed the video, feel free to leave a like and/or drop a comment. You can also share it with others & subscribe for more World of Warcraft content coming soon on this channel. Sanctum of Domination Animated Raid Guides Playlist (In 5 Languages) : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-vcqTXy6Ur14y6gsayP8Xh6bjajv1CFo Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/fintusius Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fintusius Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fintusius Discord: https://discord.gg/DqBStef Twitter: https://twitter.com/Fintusius

Видео Soulrender Dormazain (Garrosh) Heroic - Sanctum of Domination Protection Paladin POV | Fintusius автора Romantic Harvest
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