Explore Westberry Blueberry Farm | From Our BC Blueberry Growers | Go Blue BC
British Columbia’s blueberry growers have been perfecting their craft for generations, with a focus on quality and food safety. They are proud to produce top-quality Highbush blueberry varieties for Canada and the world.
Westberry Farm is a family-owned blueberry farm nestled in one of the world’s finest blueberry growing regions – the Fraser Valley in beautiful British Columbia! The farm was founded in 1997 by Parm and Satwinder, who decided to take up farming with a dream of a rural lifestyle. They’ve been growing–and celebrating–ever since.
Get more information on our BC Blueberry growers here: gobluebc.ca/bc-blueberry-growers
July 15th is officially Blueberry Day in British Columbia and a perfect kick off to the Go Blue BC Virtual Event. This online hub at gobluebc.ca will house how-to videos, chef and grower interviews, recipes, family-friendly activities, and an exciting grand prize contest. The website will also feature links to all our BC Blueberry producers, helping you find fresh BC blueberries in your area. The virtual event runs from July 15th until BC Day (August 3).
- Explore RussLynn Blueberry Farm | Lynn - https://youtu.be/7AiUQ6H0_pA
Explore Didar Blueberry Farm | Manpreet - https://youtu.be/t_EihcxpSEQ
- Explore Klaassen Farm | Dean - https://youtu.be/c5wXs-imsoA
Press Release - https://gobluebc.ca/media/bc-is-going-blue-with-bc-blueberries
CONNECT with BC Blueberries
- Follow us on Instagram @bcblueberries
- Like & Follow on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BCBlueberries
- Follow on Pinterest https://www.pinterest.ca/bcblueberries/
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4hRbd8np1LNomV1I1CHv5A
Celebrate fresh #BCBlueberries from July 15th (BC Blueberry Day) to August 3rd (BC Day) with the BC Blueberry Council’s first-ever VIRTUAL blueberry-themed summer event, #GoBlueBC, at GoBlueBC.ca!
Continue exploring the site for more blueberry fun:
- Meet our BC Blueberry Growers https://gobluebc.ca/bc-blueberry-growers
- Watch local chefs in action on the Cooking Stage https://gobluebc.ca/cooking-stage
- Make your own #bluetiful creations with Fresh Blueberry Recipes https://gobluebc.ca/fresh-blueberry-recipes
- Download colouring sheets + get kid-friendly recipes at the Kids Corner https://gobluebc.ca/kids-corner
TWEET THIS VIDEO: https://ctt.ac/4FXH8
Go Blue BC: July 15 to August 3 2020 - gobluebc.ca
Explore Westberry Blueberry Farm | From Our BC Blueberry Growers | Go Blue BC https://youtu.be/5WieBPJlFgE
Видео Explore Westberry Blueberry Farm | From Our BC Blueberry Growers | Go Blue BC автора Bloom Babes
Видео Explore Westberry Blueberry Farm | From Our BC Blueberry Growers | Go Blue BC автора Bloom Babes
21 февраля 2025 г. 2:23:05
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