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Fire In The Wire - Four Corners - October 2013

For Australians bushfires have become part of life. In 2003 the Australian Capital Territory burned. In 2009 Victoria was ravaged. This year it's New South Wales' turn. Each major bushfire is followed by a period of investigation and reflection. Often the finger is pointed at arsonists. But does this obscure a more significant truth? What if many of our worst fires are in fact very much like industrial accidents which could have been prevented? Why in many cases has the one chief cause of major fires been consistently left off the front page? Four Corners examines the evidence gathered over four decades documenting the causes of our biggest fires. The figures will shock you. Despite tens of millions of dollars spent on research along with numerous inquiries, including a Royal Commission, one source of severe fires continues to ignite deadly blazes with tragic regularity. We ask why have public officials disregarded the lessons of the past that may have prevented our most disastrous fires and we look at the factors holding back changes that might well protect the community in the future. 'Fire in the Wire', reported by Geoff Thompson and presented by Kerry O'Brien KEY REPORTS, STATEMENTS AND RELATED DOCUMENTS SP AusNet - Victorian Power company SP Ausnet responds to questions from Four Corners. [pdf 214kB] http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/documents/Powerlines2013/SPAusNet-statement.pdf Safety performance report on Victorian Electricity Distribution and Transmission Businesses | Energy Safe Victoria - ESV has released its third annual public report into the safety performance of Victoria's major electricity companies. Read the 2012, 2011 and 2010 reports. http://www.esv.vic.gov.au/About-ESV/Safety-performance-reports Power Line Bushfire Safety | Dec 2011 - Victorian Government Response to The Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Recommendations 27 and 32. [pdf 74Kb] http://www.esv.vic.gov.au/Portals/0/About%20ESV/Files/RoyalCommission/Response%20to%20PBST.pdf Powerline Bushfire Safety Taskforce: Final Report | 30 Sep 2011 - The Taskforce commissioned customer research that provided a better understanding of the trade-off that the community would support between reducing the risk of bushfires and the consequent impacts on the cost of electricity, supply reliability, and on the environment and landowners. [pdf 3Mb] http://www.esv.vic.gov.au/Portals/0/About%20ESV/Files/RoyalCommission/PBST%20final%20report%20.pdf Final Report of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission | 31 Jul 2010 - The final report is split into four volumes and a report summary. http://www.royalcommission.vic.gov.au/commission-reports/final-report The Lewis Report | 1985 (Extract) - This report is believed to be the first in Australia to recommend turning the electricity supply off in high risk areas, to prevent bushfires. Reproduced here is Chapter 5, which discusses the consequences of turning the power off. [pdf 2.8Mb] http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/documents/Powerlines2013/lewis-report.pdf Ash Wednesday Coronial Inquiry 1983 Part 1 [pdf 1Mb] http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/documents/Powerlines2013/AshWed-Coronial%20Inq-pt1.pdf Part 2 [pdf 3Mb] http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/documents/Powerlines2013/AshWed-Coronial%20Inq-pt2.pdf Part 3 [pdf 3.3Mb] http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/documents/Powerlines2013/AshWed-Coronial%20Inq-pt3.pdf The Barber Inquiry | 1977 - In 1977 Sir Esler Barber examined the role played by powerlines in major bushfires. He cautioned: "If the future measures are not adequate...as a policy of despair, resource may well have to be had to the turning off of all power on days of potential danger." [pdf 8.8mB] http://www.royalcommission.vic.gov.au/getdoc/6c0d7bc8-48c6-4ddf-b585-8cca15f82077/RSCH.003.002.8822.pdf Why We Weren't Warned | The Monthly | Jul 2009 - The Victorian bushfires and the royal commission - a long form analysis by Robert Manne. http://www.themonthly.com.au/issue/2009/july/1358205596/robert-manne/why-we-weren-t-warned Powerline Bushfire Safety Program | Vic Energy and Resources - In 2011 the Victorian Government announced a $750 million Powerline Bushfire Safety program (PBSP). The 10-year program will deliver on recommendations of the 2009 Victorian Bushfire Royal Commission and aims to reduce the risk of bushfires caused by electrical assets without causing significant impact on electricity supply reliability. http://www.energyandresources.vic.gov.au/energy/safety-and-emergencies/powerline-bushfire-safety-program VoltsCommissar Blog - Blog by Michael Gunter, renewable energy enthusiast, and scrutineer of electricity industry. http://www.voltscommissar.net/bushfires/ The Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre is conducting research into the social, environmental and economic impacts of bushfires. Their mission is to enhance the management of the bushfire risk to the community in an economically and ecologically sustainable manner. http://www.bushfirecrc.com/

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29 октября 2013 г. 8:24:54