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Final Fantasy 2 Banner - 11 Pulls Rare Summon For Leon??? (FFBE Global)

Emperor, Firion, Leon & Guy are available now. Tried to get Leon... yes Leon, not Emperor during this summoning session. Well, of course i'll be happy if I get a rainbow, but yes... the goal is just to get Leon this time. So, did I get what i wanted this time? Find out more in the video. Enjoy! :D #FFBE #FFBEGlobal #BraveExvius ==============================­================== 「ブレイブエクスヴィアス」 Please comment & press "Like" button ;) Share it to your friend / family / community or anything else if you like the video ;) Like my facebook page : www.facebook.com/ushigamingchannelyoutube

Видео Final Fantasy 2 Banner - 11 Pulls Rare Summon For Leon??? (FFBE Global) автора RPG Storytelling Enthusiasts
16 мая 2024 г. 8:02:32
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