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Inside Next-Gen AI Embedded Global Compliance Platform - Miguel Zepeda, CEO Complify

Will Fintech soon avoid getting fined billions of dollars in regulatory penalties? Meet Miguel Zepeda, CEO and Co-Founder of Complify. This startup is on a mission to build the next-generation financial compliance platform that helps Financial Institutions, Fintechs, and Banks operate and scale more efficiently and effectively. Watch Miguel share Complify’s development and funding progress, the regulatory pains fintechs face, and how Complify aims to address them. Inside: - What Fintech is missing on currently - How Complify’s platform will help fintech avoid regulatory penalties - AI, LLMs, and other next-gen technology packed in - Next steps: setting up infrastructure and testing the platform with initial customers - How the competition changed in RegTech and what makes Complify stand out 👋 About Miguel Zepeda: Miguel is a proven VP/GM business development executive with 20+ years of growth experience in Fintech, banking, and other industries. With over $500M in successfully completed transactions across VC, investment banking, and start-ups, Miguel is driving growth-stage opportunities to new revenue levels while achieving healthy unit economics for S&P 500's and start-ups. Complify: https://www.complifynow.com/ Miguel on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miguelzepeda/ Vasyl on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vsolo/ #ComplianceAutomation #FinancialRegulation #FinTech #RegTech #FintechCompliance #FinancialServices #ComplianceSolutions #AISolutions #GutsGritAndFinTech #INSART #RegulationsCompliance #ComplianceReporting #Complianceteam #RegTechStartup

Видео Inside Next-Gen AI Embedded Global Compliance Platform - Miguel Zepeda, CEO Complify автора Маркетинговый роскошный романтический танец
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