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Randi Thompson.Riders Test.Is your horse saying, "Yes, no or maybe?" Walk Trot

"What does it mean? Is your horse on the aids when you ask it for transitions or changes of direction? Now you can use this simple "Yes, No, or Maybe..." awareness test to find out" I was thrilled to have been able to film this part of the training process as many people have never seen it happen with a horse and rider. This is Trudy on Melody. We are now asking Melody to stay more "connected" so that Trudy can balance her differently. In this session, we focus on if Melody can hear Trudy's aids for the trot and trot walk transitions. Trudy also continues "riding the shoulders" which really made a difference in how Melody is trotting. Those who have followed Melody's training progress know that this is really amazing. Melody is a very nervous and hot horse. This is one of the first times that Melody has remained relaxed and is connecting with Trudy. Are you ready to try this on your horse? Let us know how it works for you. The riders and I love hearing your feedback and comments. Welcome to Randi Thompson Live. Randi has been in the horse industry for 40 years and has been teaching riding instructors, clinicians, trainers and riders easy, safe and fun techniques to connect them with their students Her Horse and Rider Awareness® techniques have been tested on 1000's of students and horses of all styles of riding and breeds of horse world. Randi has been featured as the keynote speaker at the largest equestrian trade shows in the US as well as speaking for events outside the horse world. Please subscribe to this channel to follow the progress of our horses and riders. Some of them compete in dressage and are National and Regional winners. We now have over 1000 videos on our original channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/randithompsonlive Websites Horse and Rider Awareness http://www.horseandriderawareness.com How to Market Your Horse Business http://howtomarketyourhorsebusiness.com Are you on Social Media? Join us today at: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/horseandriderawareness https://www.facebook.com/dressageinstructors http:www.facebook.com/jumpinginstructors https://www.facebook.com/horseexpertwitness https://www.facebook.com/moversandshakersofthehorseworld https://www.facebook.com/howtomarketyourhorsebusiness Youtube Randi Thompson Live http://www.youtube.com/user/randithompsonlive Movers and Shakers of the Horse World http://www.youtube.com/user/moversandshakersofthehorseworld Google + Horse and Rider Awareness https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/114175109823360879722/+Horseandriderawareness Dressage Tryon NC https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/107989485145511234576/+Horseandriderawarenessdressagetryonnc How to Market Your Horse Business https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108211750992406874157/+Howtomarketyourhorsebusiness Horse Expert Witness https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/105544622729267996441 Movers and Shakers of the Horse World https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/113655547714916466822 Linked In http://www.linkedin.com/in/randithompson Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/horsesandriders/ Twitter http://www.twitter.com/horseexpert Blogger http://horseandriderawareness.blogspot.com/

Видео Randi Thompson.Riders Test.Is your horse saying, "Yes, no or maybe?" Walk Trot автора Whispering Animal World
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