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Classic Army Sportline Scar-L Airsoft Review (airsoftstation.com)

Hey guys in this video I take a look at the Classic Army Scar Sport line Scar I have been holding on to for over 2 months (sorry airsoftstation.com). Overal perfromance wise this gun is great. Only cons to the gun are the imperfection of the external build that could be a deal breaker for some (or in my case a stock breaker) Make sure to subscribe and like this video. Link to the gun http://www.airsoftstation.com/classic-army-fn-scar-l-sporline-aeg-airsoft-rifle--fully-licensed-fn-herstal-trademarks--black.htm #.UZJ9eHdlFoU

Видео Classic Army Sportline Scar-L Airsoft Review (airsoftstation.com) автора Chattering Chipmunks
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