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RAF Bawdsey Radar Station - Venturing solo into the underground reserve transmitter block

The significance of RAF Bawdsey can not be understated. It was home to the first operational Radio Direction Finding (RDF) Chain Home (we now know this technology as RADAR) station, becoming operational in 1937. In this video, I enter the buried reserve, an underground backup transmitter block. One of two reserves on the site, the other being a buried receiver block, access is only possible through the destroyed emergency exit, with many hazards. Other than poor access, the bunker is in good overall condition with many original features remaining which help us interpret the site. This was not a permission visit, however, access was fully open through the many collapsed fences surrounding the woodland. Entry is not advised and no right of access is implied or recommended as a result of this video. Its intent is to educate and inform only. Visit my website packed full of resources and research articles https://frontlineulster.co.uk I have over 8,000 photographs on Flickr, check it out! https://www.flickr.com/photos/intrepidexplorer82/albums Follow me on Instagram for more content and special finds https://www.instagram.com/intrepidexplorer82 #frontlineulster #militaryhistory #gopro #goprohero11mini #urbex #urbexengland #goexplore #explore #exploremore #abandoned #abandonedmilitary #militaryabandoned #abandonedplaces #forgottenplaces #secondworldwar #worldwartwo #abandonedmilitary

Видео RAF Bawdsey Radar Station - Venturing solo into the underground reserve transmitter block автора Wine Wednesdays
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