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Resident Evil Minecraft Spencer Mansion Part 1

Part 1 of 3 Made with microsoft live movie maker (first attempt at doing stuff like this) So i promised that whenever minecraft updated creative mode for the xbox (sorry but i hate it for the pc) that i would make a killer version of the mansion from the remake of resident evil. i had built one already, along with the courtyard, caves, labs, the whole shebang. but the whole thing was just ugly. it was all dirt with no decorations. so i blew it all up to make room for this one. it took me 11 days, idk if thats quick or long for making it, but anyway...no mods or skins, just a crap onna blocks. some changes i made were making walls that are two blocks thick, so that each room can have a unique feel to it. same thing with the floors/ceilings. i also wanted to make it feel like the mansion. i mean, if i did this tour with the minecraft music and that, it wouldnt be creepy, right? so i put in the music from the game, turned down the brightness, and other stuff to make it better. listening with headphones gives you the best effect. so, without further ado...

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5 июня 2024 г. 23:41:47