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The Inspired Word | May 4, 2022

Sharing examples of how the Bible was ahead of modern science for many years. Also some examples of God's handiwork in Creation and a bunny-trail on space telescopes. 0:00 Introduction 4:37 The earth is a sphere 6:47 Earth in space 7:55 Innumerable stars 10:11 Bunny trail talking about space telescopes 16:40 Each star is unique 17:52 Air has weight 18:51 Light 20:22 Wind/Coriolis effect 21:20 The ocean floor 23:36 Ocean springs 24:15 Blood 25:20 The water cycle 27:03 The earth's core 28:12 Sharing time 37:45 Bionics Credits: JWST Deployment sequence: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/20339 Hubble deep-field image: ESA/Hubble & NASA, F. Pacaud, D. Coe Evolution of IR telescopes: Andras Gaspar on Twitter https://twitter.com/AndrasGaspar/status/1520184730985148418?s=20&t=CySNkARBMJNQ7F9sqgvjtA

Видео The Inspired Word | May 4, 2022 автора Гармония физики
7 ч. 8 мин. назад
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