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Gnu - LEARN TO READ SERIES - Learn about GNU / WILDEBEEST (with verbal cues)

LEARN | LIKE | SUBSCRIBE | SHARE | TEACH ACCURACY CHECK CHALLENGE There are several "common writing mistakes" that are introduced in these videos. Do you have an eye for detail? Challenge yourself and see if you can find the mistakes. Mistakes include grammar, punctuation (e.g., comma use), apostrophe use, spelling, and more. See how many mistakes you can find and then post your response in the comments section. (Don't cheat by reading others' comments. See what you can find yourself, and then you can check other comments). It is often easier to recognize errors in other people's work than it is our own work. With this in mind, use this opportunity to develop an "eye for detail," and as an opportunity to learn how to be a better writer. Also... learning should be fun, so please enjoy yourself as you develop observation skills!! Chrissy

Видео Gnu - LEARN TO READ SERIES - Learn about GNU / WILDEBEEST (with verbal cues) автора Pet Playdates
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