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Long Play_trailer

LONG PLAY – многоснежный документальный фильм Сергея Смолина о музыке, которая для многих почти, как религия и о "долгоиграющих" людях, жизнь которых хочется "проигрывать" снова и снова. Steven Crisman aka Zemo – film director Sergei Smolin aka Smok – general producer Sergei Novikov, Andrey Feofanov – producers Sergei Kozlov is a director of photography Created by Amalgama Studios and ITG Created by Sergei Smolin Production by Amalgama Studios (CA) © 2019 Сергей Смолин, Amalgama Studios (CA) The Plot: A film crew travels ‘’from one story to another’’ and catches the protagonists of this film in different locations around the world. Such as coffee shops, backstage at concerts, in elevators, at home after a one night stand, on the streets, in a New York subway train or whilst driving. Each protagonist is an extraordinary, outstanding and famous person. Amongst them are Clint Eastwood, Tom Freston, Iggy Pop, Billy Gibson and others. These people are long term players in the world of show business and they changed the trajectories of their generations’ lives. Each one of them holds a vinyl record (LP) that they find outstanding. They hold a very personal story, where music written by a star artist or band, is a mediator. These stories are unique — moments of sudden revelations return our heroes to their exciting youth. The combinations of events, music and remarkable records shown and stories told by our protagonists turn our film into an exciting, action-filled, anthropologic investigation and and an intense psychedelic trip.

Видео Long Play_trailer автора Сергей Смолин
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