Smart Automotive Manager - SAM iOS App demo on Renesas RH850 Instrument Cluster
In this video, you'll see a demonstration of the Smart Automotive Manager iOS Application on an eStorm-C2 Instrument cluster, powered by Renesas RH850.
Embien's #Smart #Automotive #Manager or SAM, is a next-gen connected mobility app to provide a rider-friendly smart phone connectivity to vehicles, targeted for application two-wheelers, PVs, CVs and EVs. The Smart Automotive Manager communicates through Bluetooth BLE & Wi-Fi and offers a rich set of functionalities including Turn-By-Turn navigation, Map Mirroring, Call and Message notification, E-lock and Unlock options, Multimedia controls, etc.
To know more about SAM Application, visit our page -
Видео Smart Automotive Manager - SAM iOS App demo on Renesas RH850 Instrument Cluster автора Audi Enthusiasticsmsmsmsmsm
Видео Smart Automotive Manager - SAM iOS App demo on Renesas RH850 Instrument Cluster автора Audi Enthusiasticsmsmsmsmsm
6 ч. 56 мин. назад
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