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THE SONG SNATCH #46- "Christmas Gift (Just A Little Christmas Blowjob)" Red Peters + Margaret Cho

Hello Music Lovers- There’s such a big build-up leading to Christmas that, when all is said and done, it can be even a bigger let down. You open all your presents, hang with the ones you love, watch the game, have dinner- now what? There’s that emptiness- that feeling that something is missing. You’re still not satisfied! Is there a solution in hand? Here’s an idea, tune into Song Snatch #46, and hear a song written by Dick Shreve, aka Durwood Douche’, a duet I recorded with comedian Margaret Cho, called “The Christmas Gift”. (You can hear more Durwood Douche’ songs at www.durwooddouche.com, more of Margaret’s songs at www.margaretcho.com, and more of Red’s songs at www.redpeters.com, and on iTunes and all fine music download sites.) You can hear lots more great adult comedy songs anytime at www.songsnatch.com!

Видео THE SONG SNATCH #46- "Christmas Gift (Just A Little Christmas Blowjob)" Red Peters + Margaret Cho автора Euro-Car Enthusiasts Unite
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