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Change settings COG to FULL Hi Definition. BMW drivers belated effort to pass a bus almost ends in another wet weather accident. Heading up the on-ramp to the M1 near Helensvale, the BMW driver decides to pass a bus who was merging from the left lane but we all know, two into 1 doesn't go. Instead of dropping in behind the bus, the BMW was forced over with one wheel hitting the wet grass verge. He got around in front of the bus but then must have decided to get even and brake tests the big machine. In the process he also brake tested the car behind the bus. You can see the Bus hit his brakes as he is about to merge onto the M1. He then sped off into the distance and I mean "sped", keep your eye out for him exiting left towards Helensvale. The car with the camera in it was travelling at the speed limit of 110kph so it gives you some idea how fast the Beamer was going to escape the bus after brake testing it. Some people are idiots! Video caputured with a CIH Full Hi Definition dash camera. http://cardashcameras.com.au/shop/car-dashboard-cameras/c1h-starter-pack/

Видео BMW BRAKE TESTS BUS автора European Automobile Appreciation Confederation
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