कृते कविताः 18.11.2024 दैवयोग्यः घटना
https://youtu.be/C62modPnXeg?t=553 0:39
meteornyi-potok-leonidy-17-18-noabra-kogda-i-kak-nabludat 0:39
https://youtu.be/ELOZbUwMEw0 6:11
https://youtu.be/jSB2N-BhTEU 1:52 6:11
https://youtu.be/AIipqq5dLq8 6:11
sz=5&sc=-4.77,%20153.28 (Solomon's Sea) 2:08 ?!
https://youtu.be/igNSPT9cIrc 0:06 (The fateful event beginning of the era) 0:14 (The sacred animal is for war)
https://youtu.be/KGQQgKemyVQ?t=992 4:45 ?
slovenia-small-plane-crash-cessna-prekmurje-f11cebca2e9f871786c0076b6b22e786 4:45 ?
https://youtu.be/l4I8xZok0ig?t=56 4:45 1:31
https://youtu.be/zQFnUb-v4s0 3:20
https://youtu.be/l1hk8mhmU1Q 3:57
https://youtu.be/l4I8xZok0ig?t=8 1:35 3:45
A fateful event
The fateful event beginning of the era
Fast forward horse mental
The messenger of divine power
The sacred animal is for war
The expansion of consciousness is the electrical industry
The feminine dream of the wind of change
Luckily a purposeful hike climb
The importance of the mountain to reach the summit
The meteorite falls with fury
Human behavior is immutable
Cruel, evil, unnecessary hostility
The lack of help is sad
A car breakdown is an accident as a matter of fact
The wedding procession party is a curiosity
Trying to join other communities
Doing the campaign is courageous
The subjugation of the stronger into slavery
Perseverance Test Valor Warrior
Nobility courage in selfhood
Development: infinite fertility
Power always wins
Human behavior is immutable
Cruel, evil, unnecessary hostility
The lack of help is sad
A car breakdown is an accident as a matter of fact
The electric watch is dancing
Hits the target with a thunderbolt
The epicenter of the earthquake is vibrating
Violence against the individual is equal to a diamond
and the opposite of oppression and bondage
Great power makes you strong
People always cautious of the familiar
The brutality and violence continues
The need for vigilance, however
Beware of the cruelty of strangers
Worth making a wise decision
Solomon's judgment shines
Suffering, sickness and pain are constant
The movement of the law of action warned
Not able to make progress
Acceptance of limitations and difficulties
The need for vigilance, however
Beware of the cruelty of strangers
Worth making a wise decision
Solomon's judgment shines
Time moves before dawn
Order: Solution on the way
Hardships and war will be destroyed
Lost battles will not be innocent
A pair of eyes filled with tears
It carries the scent of separation
The labyrinth of war
The mouthpiece of helping a loved one
Natural storms
The trauma of sudden death
The cloak courtyard reveals the mystery
Praying for help from loved ones
I communicate with the palms of my eyes
Composite transition soft touch
Understand the consistency standard
The memory path of previous births
You will tie the rope with your arms
and the burning of fire is the time of war
The Vedas and Upanishads of war
The wheel of destruction of the Creator
It transcends poverty
In the form of a dance of breaking
Ashayddho is the nail of the battle
Praying for help from loved ones
I communicate with the palms of my eyes
Composite transition soft touch
Understand the consistency standard
The courtyard of the house is deserted
Countless tunes hidden in the heart
Which no one understands
I turned the key to dreams
Broken relationships but don't give up heart
Pain hitting the sky
Don't get recognized
The flame of hopes burning
Be a challenge of fire
Difficulties are solved
Things of the mind
Tell me everything
Things of the heart
Go to the heart
By connecting dreams
Let us go
Together we win
Don't ever bend
We journey one step at a time
Mars is not far away
The path of knowledge
Search for shade-like somewhere
No need for soldiers
Right to win in the language of love
The message of equality
Recognition of affection
The honor of mind-to-mind telepathy
Exchange of gifts
A world of happiness in the marriage bond
Things of the mind
Tell me everything
Things of the heart
Go to the heart
By connecting dreams
Let us go
Together we win
Don't ever bend
Видео कृते कविताः 18.11.2024 दैवयोग्यः घटना автора Sergius Quatrains
Видео कृते कविताः 18.11.2024 दैवयोग्यः घटना автора Sergius Quatrains
17 ноября 2024 г. 16:42:38
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