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Criminal Lawyer Reacts to Top 5 Wildest Courtroom Outbursts from High-Profile Trials

Go to https://eforms.com for all your legal document needs Criminal Lawyer Bruce Rivers Reacts to Top 5 Wildest Courtroom Outbursts from High-Profile Trials MERCH HERE: https://bonfire.com/store/clr-bruce-rivers-merch/ Patreon: https://patreon.com/Criminallawyerreacts Producer: Michael Rivers Instagram: @Michaelhrivers Instagram: @CLRBruceRivers Twitter: @BruceRiversCLR Intro Song by Jaylap from CRAM CRAM Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/xxcramxx Instagram: @jaylapp You can find Bruce Rivers on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/RiversLawOffice/ Business Inquiries: Criminallawyerreacts@gmail.com Rivers Law Firm, P.A., https://www.riverslawyers.com

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