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BARNHOUSE style house project. Tropical House Design 2021(Lumion Sketchup)

Barnhouse style house. This type of house is suitable for one family with one or two children. The house is made of a wooden frame. Facade of the house with wooden beams. The house is maximally lit, and harmoniously combined with nature. In front of the facade of the house is a terrace that completely covers its contours. The main entrance to the Barnhouse is on the front side of the facade. The entrance to the house is through the vestibule, then we get to the hall. On the right side there is a kitchen-living room on the left a children's room. The living room is made in two levels with a fully glazed facade. on the first floor there is a personal office, a room, a bathroom. Thanks for watching!) More more ... !!! Subscribe to the channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD9_Outlxm4FtsLQf25bZwg/videos #FreeArchitect #Lumion #SketchUp #renderingtutorial #rendering #barnhouseproject #houseinstylebarnhouse #barnhouse #framehouse #framehousedesign #modernarchitecture #renderingtutoria #modernhouse #modernaframehous #sketchuptutorial #Housedesig #проектбарнхауса #домвстилебарнхаус #барнхаус

Видео BARNHOUSE style house project. Tropical House Design 2021(Lumion Sketchup) автора Идеи для обустройства дома: стили ландшафта и комфорт
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