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Pentagon Using Facebook and Twitter To Map Political Enemies In US - Infowars News 5/8

What does 'Master the Human Domain' on the Jade Helm 15 logo mean? 'Human Domain', like 'Unconventional Warfare' are terms of art for military and law enforcement. Painting Texas & Utah red and labeling them 'hostile' is just the tip of the intel iceberg that seeks to overlay a human geological map onto a physical geological map to track individuals. Rob Dew and David Knight take a look at this obscure part of the military/police industrial complex and how it relates to Jade Helm. Infowars News 5/8/15 http://infowars.com/show :PRESS SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE:

Видео Pentagon Using Facebook and Twitter To Map Political Enemies In US - Infowars News 5/8 автора Уравнение Божественных Мудрых Великих Душ
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