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1983-0922 разрушение приходит изнутри (TV Interview, USA)

Interviewer: You talk, you made predictions, things would happen. What are some of the those predictions? Shri Mataji: No, I don’t make predictions, but I can say that if people do not take to their transformation, it could be very dangerous. I mean, I don’t think the destruction is going to come from Russia or any other country. It is going to come from within. You can see it very clearly. You are destroying yourself moment by moment. Cancer, all these diseases nobody knew before. All of them are appearing now to show that you are trying to destroy ourselves.

Видео 1983-0922 разрушение приходит изнутри (TV Interview, USA) автора Сахаджа-йога по лекциям Шри Матаджи
11 ноября 2024 г. 20:52:35
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