10/22 Auto Bolt Release Warning
Let me explain what is happening. I locked the bolt back on the 10/22 after installing an after market Auto Bolt release. What this does it makes it so you don't have to flip the bolt switch to chamber a round or close the bolt. The Auto Bolt release instead makes it so you simply pull back on the bolt slightly to chamber a round. I always store my gun with the bolt locked back and empty (when at the range). I happened to adjust my stock and noticed the bolt slammed shut. I tried this with three different brands of Auto Bolt releases in two different rifles with two different trigger housings and both do the exact thing. This isn't a problem with the installation, but rather a fault with the way Ruger designed the bolt system and a fault with the auto bolt release mechanism. The normal bolt release has a lip that holds the bolt back and when you pull the bolt back, you have to flip a switch to let the bolt return home. Auto Bolt releases don't have the lip that holds the bolt back so that's what allows you to close the bolt by simply moving bolt back slightly. This also will allow the bolt to close if you knock the gun in the right way.
Update: I tested with Christies, Volquartsen, and Kidd auto bolt releases, all of them do the same thing.
Видео 10/22 Auto Bolt Release Warning автора Peaceful Patio Pursuits
Видео 10/22 Auto Bolt Release Warning автора Peaceful Patio Pursuits
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