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Janet Porter, Heartbeats, and the Truth About Abortion.

More Stranger Still at www.StrangerStillShow.com & where podcasts are found! Help us make more video content at www.patreon.com/flyingmachine Ways to Fight back! https://yellowhammerfund.org/ (Funding abortion and building power in Alabama) https://www.plannedparenthood.org/ (America's most trusted provider of reproductive health care.) https://abortionfunds.org/ (A Network of Grassroots orgs building power to remove financial, logistical, cultural and political barriers to abortion access.) http://www.womenhaveoptions.org/ (Ohio Statewide Abortion fund dedicated to helping patients afford their reproductive choices.) https://www.Keep-families-together.org (National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum) https://gwaf..org/donate (Grassroots reproductive justice organization providing funds to help Missourians access abortion care) Sources: https://www.popsci.com/abortion-bills-pregnancy-facts www.f2a.org (CW: Janet Porter's Heartbeat bill site) https://www.heritage.org/social-security/report/medicaid-funding-abortion-setting-the-record-straight https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/410/113/

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