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BLENDERSUSHI / Alembic Pipeline (VS002)

In Blender 2.78, we finally have built that does Alembic. It is still being developed, but it's a nice thing to have. In this video, I am challenging each 3D tools in term of Alembic capability. What I wish would work seamlessly: - Vertex Color - Vertex Deformation - Joint Deformation - Particles https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Ref/Release_Notes/2.78/Alembic Cameras and some other geometry also works. Seems like each package has each one "hickups" and "glitches". However, there are always a way around it. If the package cannot export import properly, we need to make it work somewhat. Maya can import Blender exported Alembic Vertex Color, Houdini needs to use MDD and PLY. Not sure why. But things are getting a lot smoother. So far, from what I know, Blender is one tool with best I/O, it will try and blend everything.

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