Menopause, Weight Loss & Hormone Replacement Therapy with Karen Martel
Karen Martel certified hormone specialist, transformational nutrition coach, women’s weight loss expert, and host of ‘The Other Side Of Weight Loss’ podcast talks to Angela about why she wants women to have the information and insight into menopause and menopausal replacement therapy that means they can make an informed choice
Karen explains why you don’t need to suffer from hot flushes, lack of libido, night sweats, anxiety, and depression because if they are symptoms from perimenopause and losing your hormones then there are things you can do to successfully balance your hormones and get on with being your best self
Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is identical to the makeup of your own progesterone and oestrogen your body can’t tell the difference between what’s on the inside and what’s coming from outside
In the UK there is synthetic hormone replacement therapy and two types of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy
Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is unregulated with NICE guidelines and you need to go to a compounding pharmacy
Body identical hormone replacement therapy can be prescribed by a doctor on the NHS
You become more insulin resistant as you age because you start to lose your oestrogen
Oestrogen has over eight hundred functions in the body and there are receptors for it on every organ
The body will start gaining weight because a type of oestrogen can be made from fat cells
Research shows that women who replace their hormones for ten years post-menopause are better off replacing their hormones than not replacing them
Research in Arizona has shown that women who take bioidentical oestrogen replacements for six years or longer into menopause had a 75% reduction in getting Alzheimer’s and dementia
If you are struggling with your hormone balance, test first and work with someone who is knowledgeable about bio-identical therapy
Know that you don’t have to suffer, hot flushes, lack of libido, night sweats, anxiety and depression can all go away if they are symptoms from perimenopause and losing your hormones
Don’t settle for less than feeling your very best, these can be the best times of your life
‘Compounding pharmacies are absolutely amazing
‘We need our oestrogen
‘We should be starting at an early age before menopause’
‘There is so much you can do, don’t settle for less and enjoy your wise woman years when you know yourself’
Видео Menopause, Weight Loss & Hormone Replacement Therapy with Karen Martel автора Gadget Godling
Видео Menopause, Weight Loss & Hormone Replacement Therapy with Karen Martel автора Gadget Godling
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