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Supercritical Redshift 6: Funky Unison Bass

This funky bass sound is created using 2 saw tooth waveforms an octave apart. Sound has typical bass sound envelopes. Amp envelope has gate type envelope with full sustain, while filter envelope has short attack, relatively fast decay and 35% sustain to keep filter open on long notes. Filter cutoff is modulated with key follow and VCF envelope modulation. To get more “body” to sound, voice allocation is set to mono with 3 voice stacks in unison. Final touch is to add resonance to filter. https://supercriticalsynthesizers.com/redshift6/ Playlist: https://rutube.ru/plst/735531 #Redshift6 #Supercritical Original video: https://youtu.be/hUZhm29Lmz0

Видео Supercritical Redshift 6: Funky Unison Bass автора Muz News
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