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SGCM drives the new BMW M Series M5 Sedan

Despite having all-wheel drive and an automatic transmission, the brutally quick and impressively nimble all new BMW M5 may just be the best one yet. Read our full review of the BMW M Series M5 Sedan 4.4 - http://www.sgcarmart.com/news/review.php?AID=1333 http://www.sgCarMart.com is Singapore's Number 1 car site. With almost 10,000 car listings, it offers the largest database of new and used cars for sale in Singapore. sgCarMart.com attracts more than 2 million visitors every month and as a testament to its popularity, it has been awarded the Most Popular Automotive Site in its category for six years running by Hitwise.

Видео SGCM drives the new BMW M Series M5 Sedan автора European Auto Enthusiast Connection
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