When you play for result | Rakhmanov - Sargissian | World Rapid
World Rapid is event where you want to show best result, sometimes to sacrifice exciting, but risky chess in favour of solid game, where you have position without weaknesses. GM Rakhmanov plays against very strong Armenian GM, who has recommended himself as an excellent positional player.
Rakhmanov, Aleksandr (2645)
Sargissian, Gabriel (2689)
Event: World Rapid 2019
Site: Moscow RUS Date: 12/28/2019
Round: 11.13 Score: ½-½
ECO: E46 Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3 O-O
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 O-O 5.Bd2 d5 6.Nf3 b6 7.cxd5 exd5 8.Rc1 Bb7 9.Bd3 Be7 10.O-O c5 11.dxc5 bxc5 12.Re1 Nc6 13.Bb1 Rb8 14.e4 dxe4 15.Nxe4 Nd4 16.Bc3 Nxe4 17.Bxe4 Bf6 18.Qd3 h6 19.Rcd1 Re8 20.Nd2 Bg5 21.Nc4 Bxe4 22.Rxe4 Qd5 23.Rde1 Rxe4 24.Rxe4 Bf6 25.h3 Qc6 26.b3 Rd8 27.Ba5 Rd5 28.Qe3 Ne6 29.Qe2 Qd7 30.Bd2 Rd4 31.Kh2 Qd5 32.f3 Bd8 33.Rxd4 cxd4 34.Qe4 Bc7+ 35.Kg1 Qd8 36.Kf1 Nc5 37.Qf5 Ne6 38.Qe4 Nc5 39.Qf5 Ne6 40.Qe4 ½-½
Blitz chess and rapid chess video. Live blitz and rapid chess.
Rapid chess and blitz chess tournaments
Blitz chess (also known as speed or fast chess) is a type of chess in which each player is given less time to consider their moves than normal tournament time controls allow. Openings, tactics and strategy are same.
Видео When you play for result | Rakhmanov - Sargissian | World Rapid автора Спортивные лидеры
Видео When you play for result | Rakhmanov - Sargissian | World Rapid автора Спортивные лидеры
7 марта 2025 г. 15:38:50
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