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NOVA scienceNOW : 4 - Profile : Naomi Halas

Nanotechnologist Naomi Halas of Rice University has invented tiny structures called "gold nanoshells," which may someday help treat tumors. Halas tunes the nanoparticles to absorb a specific wavelength of light that passes harmlessly through the human body. When that light hits the injested nanoshells, they grow hot enough to burn away targeted nearby tissue such as a tumor. Turkish subtitles will be added soon. No copyright intended, all the copyrights belong to PBS NOVA. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/

Видео NOVA scienceNOW : 4 - Profile : Naomi Halas автора Светский мир: обзоры и инсайдерские новости
3 ч. 54 мин. назад