Penicillium/ Dr. Alka Inamdr #Penicilium#Saprophyticfungi#AntibioticPenicilin
The genus Penicillium is a cosmopolitan, found at various places such as soil, air, on decaying food, etc. Penicillium is a genus of saprophytic (feeding on dead and decaying materials) fungi. They are commonly known as blue or green mould.
They play an important role as a decomposer in the ecosystem.Penicillium means “painter’s brush”. They are named so, due to the presence of chains of conidia (produced asexually) appearing as a brush terminally on mycelia. P. expansum is a parasite causes rotting and spoilage of fruits such as apples, pears, grapes etc. in storage. P. notatum and P. chrysogeneum are used for extraction of antibiotic Penicillin. The vegetative structure of Penicillium is a multicellular mycelium. The mycelium is made up of highly branched, multinucleated and septate, long thread-like filamentous structure known as hyphae.
The cell wall is made up of a glucose polysaccharide and chitin. The cytoplasmic continuity is maintained through central pore, present in the septa. Some of the mycelia grow deeper into the substratum to derive food. The food is stored in the form of oil globules.
Видео Penicillium/ Dr. Alka Inamdr #Penicilium#Saprophyticfungi#AntibioticPenicilin автора Грибные поделки для свежих овощных салатов
Видео Penicillium/ Dr. Alka Inamdr #Penicilium#Saprophyticfungi#AntibioticPenicilin автора Грибные поделки для свежих овощных салатов
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