No More Love~Episode 7, Part 2.
No More Love-Episode 7, Part 2.
Justins POV: I asked her to come over and spend some time with me, even though I'd just met her, but oh well I'm sure Grace won't mind, it just looks like I'm trying to make new friends any way! Somewhere deep down I knew this was wrong, but I just felt so heart broken and lost I couldn't think straight any more I needed a distraction! She was really flirting with me, she started fiddling with my t shirt, so I made out with her. But then I heard the door open and a girl say 'justin?' When I looked up, I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Long wavy black hair that feel to her elbows. Gorgeous emerald green eyes, and glowing skin. Her face changed three times, but the last expression I really didn't like, her face went red and she was giving me and the random girl in my arms daggers! Uh oh...
End of POV
Random Girl: who is that?! --she said with disgust-
Bonnie: I am Bonnie and you are the skank that is about to be thrown out of the window, if you don't start walking out in 5...4...3...-
Random girl: okay, okay, im going!! --she runs out and slams the door behind her-
Justin: what the hell?! --glaring-
Bonnie:-gasps- don't you dare, what the hell?! Me... You have just moved in and you think you can just bring random sluts into this house and make out with them, I will not live with a player! --spits the last word at him-
Justin: -gasps and lies- Well she was my girlfriend so it's not some random slut thank you very much!
Bonnie: Oh no need to thank me, I know that wasn't your girlfriend because she's my next door neighbour, and she already has a boyfriend --sees his expression- yeah that's right! The only reason she came with you is because you're 'justin freakin bieber' I came in here to apologise to you, but now I could really care less, if you are going to dis respect my mum, I will treat you just as bad. Think about what your ex would say if she found out what you did, are you really that heartless? --stares at him for a few seconds then leaves in a huff, also slamming the door behind her-
Justin: -just standing their shocked and speechless-
With Bonnie
Bethies POV: Bonnie walked into our room, slammed the door, grabbed a pillow and then screamed at the top of her lungs into it! I was shocked I'd never seen her so angry in her life. I went up to her and asked her what was wrong but she didn't answer, she just carried on screaming, I hate him! Over and over again. It was starting to get annoying so I thought I'd just leave her to calm down, she snapped at me earlier any way. Not that I was bothered but ya know. I was really in the mood for a jog, so I put on some sweats and a sports bra, then went out, this really helps me clear my mind you see...I had only been here for three weeks, but I had learnt to know the area quite well, so I thought I'd run the whole block, then go to the park to rest. I had made the park my favourite place to go, since that is where I finally got my best friend back, and where we had been going ever since.
End of POV
With Justin
Justin: -walking downstairs, he hears humming coming from the kitchen so he goes in- oh hey Grace. --he looks down and rubs the back of his neck-
Grace: -sees his awkward gesture- Justin? Everything okay..-smiles kindly-
Justin: oh so Bonnie hasn't told you yet?
Grace: -knows what he is talking about, but wants to see if he confesses- told me what?
Justin: -sighs and looks down ashamed, he now regrets what he did- I feel so stupid, and im sorry for disrespecting you like that, on the first day as well!...
Grace: look Justin, I am a bit disappointed in you, I know what you boys can be like when you get hurt, you try to cover it up and distract yourself. The sad thing is your ideas of distractions aren't that fair on us girls.
Justin: -feels extremely guilty- I know, and im sorry it won't happen again.
Grace: I forgive you, now go and tell Bethie and Bonnie dinner is ready, oh and don't worry about Bonnie she will calm down.
Justin: -not convinced- okay then...
He runs upstairs and knocks on their door
Bonnie: -from behind him- can I help you?
Justin: -jumps up- AHHH! Errrr....oh yeah dinner is ready!
Bonnie: I know, now move I want to get to my room...
Justin: excuse me? I know I upset you, but you don't need to be so rude...
Bonnie: oh what like you were to me, this is what you deserve Justin, I never liked you and I still don't like you now, after giving you a ruined it --walks into her room to find her phone-
End of Part 2, look out for part 3. Comment please. X
Видео No More Love~Episode 7, Part 2. автора Искусство игр и мысль
Видео No More Love~Episode 7, Part 2. автора Искусство игр и мысль
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