AURORA PARK by DELIVERED. | Outdoor Multimedia Experience | Nuanu, Bali
The Aurora Media Park is a 5,000-square-meter outdoor immersive experience located in the jungle in the heart of Nuanu. It is a great example of how we re-imagined local culture in a futuristic way — all installations are technology-style tributes to the holy balinese culture and nature. DELIVERED. team learned Bali's rich culture: alphabets, scripts, architecture and re-built them with interactive immersive technology.
Aurora Media Park offers a 1-hour immersive audiovisual experience where visitorswalk through the zones with installations, engaging with each to create unique personalexperiences. Each visitor will uncover their own 'secret to find.' It is an odyssey—apersonal journey where emotions and insights are uniquely individual.
Aurora Media Park contains 8 interactive installations, and is a state of art and technology located in the Bali jungle with ever-changing climate conditions. This experience invites visitors to step on a personal journey of enlightenment and self-discovery through the universal power of light.
City / Location: NUANU, @nuanu_city
Видео AURORA PARK by DELIVERED. | Outdoor Multimedia Experience | Nuanu, Bali автора DELIVERED.
Видео AURORA PARK by DELIVERED. | Outdoor Multimedia Experience | Nuanu, Bali автора DELIVERED.
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