NEFF CircoTherm Oven Demo - Toasties and Cookies Oven Baking Recipe
In the latest edition of Cooking with Kensington Scott, filmed before the second lockdown, we have another demo from NEFF home economist Kate McBain. She displays the unique features of the NEFF CircoTherm Oven that is on display in our showroom! Read more below for recipe details.
We are also running a giveaway of a £2500 NEFF Induction hob with any new kitchen installation. Find more details here -
Neff Toasties Original flavours
Serves 10-12
Cooks CircoTherm 170-180 C
Prep 15 minutes
6 slices of bread
55g soft butter or margarine
110g cream cheese
110g smoked salmon pate or smoked salmon trimmings
1-2 tbsps) chopped dill or coriander
salt and black pepper
140g cheddar cheese, grated
Butter one side of the bread.
Mix together the cream cheese, patè or smoked salmon, herbs and seasoning.
Spread on the un-buttered side, slice into quarters and sprinkle with grated cheese.
Place on a wire grid over the roasting/grill pan and cook at 180ºC for 20 minutes until golden brown.
Topping Variations
Ham and Pineapple
110g cream cheese
110g (4oz) cooked ham
200g small tin pineapple (drained and finely chopped)
Mix together and spread as above.
150g tub of mushroom pate
Or 110g-170g assorted chopped mushrooms
(lightly fried in 30g butter)
110g cream cheese
garlic (optional)
Mix together and spread as above.
Almond and Cranberry
110g cream cheese
55g fresh or dried cranberries
55g flaked almonds
15g butter
Microwave the cranberries and almonds with butter for 3-4 minutes until lightly browned, cool and mix with cream cheese.
if using dried Cranberries just mix with other ingredients
Видео NEFF CircoTherm Oven Demo - Toasties and Cookies Oven Baking Recipe автора Грибные новинки
Видео NEFF CircoTherm Oven Demo - Toasties and Cookies Oven Baking Recipe автора Грибные новинки
7 ч. 47 мин. назад
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