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Salut d'Amour, Op. 12 ''Liebesgruss'' (Edward Elgar) Piano and violin score.

Salut d'Amour (Liebesgruß), Op. 12. Painting by Claude Monet. Elgar finished the piece in July 1888, when he was romantically involved with Caroline Alice Roberts, and he called it "Liebesgruss" ('Love's Greeting') because of Miss Roberts' fluency in German. On their engagement she had already presented him with a poem "The Wind at Dawn" which he set to music and, when he returned home to London on 22 September from a holiday he gave her Salut d'Amour as an engagement present. With a lilting accompaniment from the piano the violin enters with a sweet-sounding melody. Set in the violin’s upper register, the theme soars above the simple accompaniment. The 2/4 time signature lends itself to musical breaths between phrases, which pulls on your heartstrings all the way through. A more jaunty minor version of the theme takes up the middle section of the piece. Elgar’s exploitation of the violin’s true upper register shines through in this section. The violin comes back down into its lower register to play an ascending passage that leads to a small climax. The piece ends with a short reprise of the main theme before a delicate and poignant close. Although only short in duration Elgar’s Salut d’Amore is jam-packed full of sweet melodies and poignant harmonies. - Music is licensed under a Creative Commons 1.0 - Photos https://www.pikist.com/free-photo Thank you so much for watching this video by IKIARI Music channel, we hope you enjoyed it! #classicalmusi #musicforstudyin #studymusi #Elga #pianoviolinscor #MúsicaClásic #класическамузик #klassischeMusik

Видео Salut d'Amour, Op. 12 ''Liebesgruss'' (Edward Elgar) Piano and violin score. автора Скульптурные реалии
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