Mini-Test: Are You Apollonian or Dionysian?
The concept of Apollonian and Dionysian, developed by Friedrich Nietzsche, represents the two opposing principles that influenced the art and culture of ancient Greece. The Apollonian spirit is associated with order, rationality and ideal beauty, while the Dionysian spirit embodies chaos, instinct and the intoxication of life. Both principles are configured as responses to the suffering of living: the Dionysian deals with pain through intoxication, celebration of life and sensory pleasure, while the Apollonian seeks to give form and meaning to this suffering through rational reflection, art and sublimation. Which of these two existential modes prevails in you?
Select only one answer for each question (A or D).
Answer all questions, 5 in total.
1. Life is wonderful, you just have to learn how to enjoy it!
A. It depends, not always and not for everyone
D. Absolutely, I try to take full advantage of it
2. Business before pleasure. Are you really sure about this?
A. Of course, there is more to life than just pleasure
D. No, fun is essential!
3. Do you easily get carried away by feelings and emotions?
A. No, except when I do it consciously
D. Yes, it happens without my realizing it
4. An unexpected economic opportunity arises. How do you react?
A. I want to clearly understand what it is about before I accept it
D. I don’t think twice about it and jump in!
5. What kind of relationship do you have with order and discipline?
A. I like to live orderly and give myself rules
D. Excessive order and discipline make me uncomfortable
Count the number of responses for each type, A and D, then refer to the corresponding profile.
A=5 / D=0: You are a direct descendant of Apollo!
A=4 / D=1: You are strongly Apollonian
A=3 / D=2: You are Apollonian with Dionysian tendencies
A=2 / D=3: You are Dionysian but without excess
A=1 / D=4: You are a Dionysus wannabe!
A=0 / D=5: You are Dionysus himself!
Видео Mini-Test: Are You Apollonian or Dionysian? автора The Spiritual Seek
Видео Mini-Test: Are You Apollonian or Dionysian? автора The Spiritual Seek
28 ноября 2024 г. 10:43:28
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