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How To Dress Up A Sweatshirt

With the cooler weather still around it is still necessary to stay warm. A white skirt with a embellished sweatshirt is a way to feel cozy and spring like at the same time. DawnDel Russo is an On-Air fashion expert seen on National TV Better TV, Fox 5 NY, CBS, NBC, InStyle Magazine, Life and Style Magazine, US Weekly for her fashion and lifestyle tips and advice. Seen on the new Glamour Magazine show "Dress to Kill." She is the author of "101 Glam Girl Ways to an Ultra Chic Lifestyle" and owner of www.BellaDawn.com Fashion Expert www.DawnDelRusso.com Blog www.Myintimateaffairwithfashion.com Fashion & Lifestyle Expert Dawn Del Russo shows you her #dawndressed ootd. Each day Dawn shows her style from dresses, skirts, tops and jeans to her favorite Christian Louboutin heels and sparkly jewels. Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dawn-De... Find the Style - DawnDressed.com Blog- http://www.myintimateaffairwithfashio... Twitter - @dawndelrusso www.twitter.com/DawnDelRusso Shop - www.belladawn.com Instagram - http://web.stagram.com/n/dawndelrusso/ Tumblr - http://dawndelrusso.tumblr.com/ Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/dawndelrusso/ Pose - http://pose.com/u/dawndelrusso/poses *All comments are Dawn's personal, original opinions and view.

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