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Кто любить плов ставьте лайк 🔥🔥🔥

Кто любить плов ставьте лайк 🔥🔥🔥 Ингридиенты: ~500гр масло ~2 шт лук ~500гр мясо ~1кг марковка ~700гр рис ~магиз, тмин Мазали пиширик тайëрлаш || Mazali pishiriq tayyorlash Цветочное печенье || Гулли печеньелар Gulli picheniyalar 34 dona picheniya uchun: ~ 2 dona tuhum ~150gr shakar ~400gr tvorog ~60ml oʻsimlik yogʻi ~400gr un ~2 choy qoshiq razrehritel ~0,5 choy qoshiq kurkuma(zarchava) ~ quyuq djem If you're looking for a delicious and healthy dessert, then check out this osongina apelsin cheescake! This recipe is easy to make and perfect for any occasion. You can enjoy it as a special treat or as a regular part of your diet. Best of all, it's free of sugar, so you can eat it without worrying about your health. So why not give it a try? You'll love it! food,delicious meal,national meal,uzbek taomlar,cheescake tayorlash,somsa,manti,honim,top 10 taomlar,tez va oson tayorlanadigan taomlar,rek,top,mazali ovqatlar,asmr,ASMR,food asmr,meal asmr,like,follow,subscribe,obuna,milliy ovqatlar,osh tayorlashni organamiz,eng mazali taomlar,foodie,fast food,food videos Need a dessert but don't want to break the calorie bank? Check out this healthy cheescake recipe! It's easy to make and tastes delicious, without all the sugar and artificial additives. This cheescake is perfect if you're trying to stick to your healthy eating plan or if you just want a guilt-free dessert. It's also a great option if you're looking for a dessert that's also healthy and filling. So give this recipe a try and see for yourself how delicious and healthy it can be! #meal #food #foodie #dinner #foodporn #lunch #yummy #delicious #healthyfood #foodphotography #instafood #healthy #cooking #tasty #foodstagram #foodlover #breakfast #eat #foodblogger #mealprep #homemade #restaurant #healthylifestyle #instagood #love #fitness #diet #meat #cook #vegan много просмотров Музыка

Видео Кто любить плов ставьте лайк 🔥🔥🔥 автора Gourmet Dreams
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