Dragon GTR V2 Electric Scooter UNBOXING (Sony ZV-1)
A quick unboxing of my Dragon GTR V2 Electric Scooter
Details are in the video towards the end
Ambient sounds provided by 2 things you can't live without in Far North Queensland: Bird sounds and hypnotic humming of a A/C unit..hmmm...
#dragonscooters #dragongtrv2 #dragongtrv2electricscooter #electricscooter #sony #sonyzv1 #sonygpvpt2 #unboxing
#cairns #cairncentric #fnq
Camera: Sony ZV-1 used with Sony GP-VPT2BT Bluetooth Shooting Grip
Видео Dragon GTR V2 Electric Scooter UNBOXING (Sony ZV-1) автора Design Your Destiny
Видео Dragon GTR V2 Electric Scooter UNBOXING (Sony ZV-1) автора Design Your Destiny
10 ч. 48 мин. назад
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