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Depth based keying without a green screen in blender with help of python and Midas neural network

Depth extraction from images and videos based on neural network scene understanding. Code on github https://github.com/3deminerali/depth Source of the network https://pytorch.org/hub/intelisl_midas_v2/ Images and an eagle video from pixabay.com and unsplash.com Some links https://pixabay.com/pl/images/search/bee/ https://pixabay.com/pl/images/search/books/ https://pixabay.com/pl/images/search/couple/ https://unsplash.com/photos/uOYak90r4L0 https://pixabay.com/pl/videos/adler-bielik-ptak-ptak-drapie%C5%BCny-60600/

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