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廟會活動中:包括各種藝陣陣頭乩身和各式的人物信徒外,早午晚也是有敬神的布袋戲、歌仔戲、國樂表演、樂團表演、吉普鋼管舞者、康樂晚會歌手(表演內容:歌手四首歌,前二首歌是三首後會換裝變成三點式的內衣或泳裝,而鋼管歌手約二首歌曲後開始正裝跳鋼管,最後一首舞曲,才會變換成三點式的內衣或是泳裝表演舞蹈),這一些活動只是在廟會神明的信徒感謝謝神明敬謝神明的表演之一,這是台灣的傳統文化之一。 ps.用4k錄影容量大一整場下來影片大約全會分割數十段落,才上傳,影片片段很分散,而用建立播放清單,可是看到整場的記錄影片從頭到尾,這是正常的廟會活動,不管是乩童的五寶流血畫面、歌手的清涼表演這全是台灣目前的文化的其中一種。 Temple fair activities: In addition to various art groups and various characters and believers, there are also puppet shows, Taiwanese operas, Chinese music performances, orchestra performances, jeep pole dancers, and leisure party singers in the morning and evening (performance content: The singer has four songs. After the first two songs are three, he will change into three-point underwear or swimsuits, while the steel pipe singers will start to dance in formal clothes after about two songs. The last dance song will change into three-point underwear or swimwear. It’s a swimsuit show dance), these activities are just one of the performances that the believers of the gods in the temple fair thank the gods and respect the gods. This is one of Taiwan’s traditional culture. ps. With a larger 4k recording capacity, the entire video will be divided into dozens of paragraphs before uploading. The video fragments are scattered. When you create a playlist, you can see the entire recorded video from beginning to end. This is a normal temple fair. Activities, whether it is the image of the bloodshed of the Five Treasures of Yitong and the cool performance of the singer, are all part of Taiwan's current culture. 請按讚 加訂閱 來支持一下此頻道... 馬上訂閱黑羽封狩YOUTUBE頻道可獲得最新影片消息!! 歡迎來到黑羽封狩頻道,這是一個記錄廟會活動的頻道,希望大家來可以看見台灣的進香文化紀錄,如果喜歡我拍攝的影片請各位分享按讚訂閱黑羽封狩頻道,黑羽封狩頻道不定時上傳影片,到時就會通知大家觀看,謝謝各位....點擊訂閱哦... Welcome to the black feather seal hunting channel, which is a record of the temple activities of the channel, I hope you can see Taiwan's culture into the cultural record, if you like the film I would like to ask you to subscribe to the black feather seal hunting channel, black feather seal hunting The channel from time to time upload the film, when it will inform you to watch, thank you .... Click to subscribe Oh ... チャネルの記録寺院の活動黑羽封狩YOUTUBE TV、私たちは巡礼と台湾の文化史を見られるように願って、あなたが好きなら、私は、ビデオを撮影し賞賛加入黑羽封狩YOUTUBE TV、黑羽封狩YOUTUBE TV,押してください時間までの時間から動画をアップロードするチャンネル、それが時計にお知らせします、ありがとうございました.......購読する]をクリック

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