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WPI VIBE 2022 – Team #7: Innovative Hip Protector for Elderly

WPI VIBE 2022 – Team #7: Innovative Hip Protector for Elderly Team members: Kanhchana Ly Muhammad Nouman Raisa Dsouza Ewurama Aidoo Our design is a smart external hip protector that can detect a fall and react in a way that protects the user from the falling impact. Our product uses shear thickening fluid that can be made from corn starch and water to act as a protective hip pad for absorbing fall damage. Paired with other low-cost materials and innovative designs, our product aims to improve the lives of the elderly population in developing countries and allow them to live without fear of sustaining hip injuries from falling.If you liked our video, please like and share them with your friends!

Видео WPI VIBE 2022 – Team #7: Innovative Hip Protector for Elderly автора Opel Pilot
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