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Ep 30, Lisa Dion: Managing Conflict: Tools for Leaders & Dealing with Difficult Conversations

There has never been a time when we’ve been more at odds with those around us. Learning how to manage conflict is one of the greatest skills we can learn as people. And yet most of us either avoid it or simply don’t have the tools to effectively deal with it. Some of us even attract conflict into our lives! We are thrilled to welcome back Lisa Dion, Founder of Synergetic Play Therapy, to share with us practical, science-based tools for dealing with conflict. She will help us understand what’s going on inside our brains as we are going through difficult conversations, and we’ll delve into : ✔️Why learning how to navigate conflict is an essential skill in all relationships ✔️How to de-escalate a tense situation ✔️How using these tools can create intimacy and closeness in relationships ✔️Why conflict management is one of the essential qualities for any leader If you are a human being and have relationships, you will not want to miss out on this one!

Видео Ep 30, Lisa Dion: Managing Conflict: Tools for Leaders & Dealing with Difficult Conversations автора Радостные исследования и захватывающее образование
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