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De Buyer Mineral B Pro 28cm & Omelette Pfanne 28cm

#DeBuyer Mineral B Element Pro 28cm compared to Omelette Pfanne 28cm. @DeBuyer Mineral B Element Pro 28cm & Omelette Pfanne 28cm. Omelette Pfanne 👎🏻 It's not a deep frying pan and that's a problem. I did not like. It was necessary to make a depth of 5-6 cm. This is not universal; frying chicken, for example, with such depth is a very dubious task. Holding the pan in the air changed its balance. swings left and right. the reason for the convex shape. and it's strange. 🤔

Видео De Buyer Mineral B Pro 28cm & Omelette Pfanne 28cm автора Holographic Horizons
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