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Digital Detox: 8 Tips for Offline Productivity

Find the best productivity tools with our site: https://toolfinder.co/ Phones away! How can you take advantage of digital detox tips and offline productivity to boost your energy during your daily routine? From the use of the word busy to add an extra hour to your sleep, there are plenty of ways to remove the smartphone and screens from your routine. Digital detoxes are becoming more and more popular, but it's good to note not to do everything at once. Trickles of offline productivity can be better than completely removing yourself. Skip intro: 1:03 ▶ DIGITAL DETOX TIPS: 1:05 - Take a Walk (Cup of Tea + 5-minute session) 2:00 - Schedule in Book Time (Plotting micro-reads) 2:28 - Get a Journal (Entries during the day) 2:59 - No Notifications on iOS/Mac 3:56 - Phone Away from the Bed 4:43 - No Headphone Commuting 5:15 - Adding 1 Hour to Sleep 6:00 - Reducing "Busy" Word-Use ▶ TRY BREAK THE TWITCH: https://bit.ly/2DSXUK6 There are so many benefits to taking a pause, and for sure its taken me a long time to implement all of these tactics, but the advantages have overweighed everything! Let me know what you think about the future of productivity in the comments below! ▶ SUBSCRIBE TO KEEP PRODUCTIVE: http://bit.ly/2wnQP1i ___ // LEARN MORE ABOUT KEEP PRODUCTIVE // 🎙 Become a listener of the Tools They Use podcast: https://apple.co/2EIyEsi 🏠 Join the official Facebook community: http://bit.ly/2k9Pn0P 🐦 Follow with updates on Twitter: http://bit.ly/2FKUoUF 📧 Sign-up to the monthly e-newsletter: http://bit.ly/2fE9QcS 📋 Enrol on Skillshare for productivity classes: http://skl.sh/2CT4mk7 📅 Contact the Keep Productive team: francesco@keepproductive.com 📷 Go Behind the Scenes on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2fX7we0 ___ // VIDEO DETAILS Filmed & Edited by Francesco D’Alessio Business inquiries & submissions | francesco@keepproductive.com // MUSIC USED: Artist: Nicolai Heidlas Title: Pacific Sun Download the song here: www.hooksounds.com/royalty-free-music/pacific-sun/ // ABOUT OUR MISSION Keep Productive is a community dedicated to helping you find the best productivity applications and achieving your goals through interviews/advice with experts in the productivity field. We’re continually growing an evolving towards the mission of being supportive to your every day productivity. // DISCLAIMER All opinions expressed are my own. In some of my videos, I’ve started to include affiliate codes/links to earn a small commission if you make a purchase. I’ll If you choose to use them, thank you for supporting the channel! ▶ THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://toolfinder.co/ Find the perfect productivity tools with Tool Finder: https://toolfinder.co -- POPULAR TOOLS - monday - https://toolfinder.co/go/monday-dot-com - ClickUp - https://toolfinder.co/go/monday-dot-com - Notion - https://toolfinder.co/go/notion - Akiflow - https://toolfinder.co/go/akiflow - Motion - https://toolfinder.co/go/motion - Sunsama - https://toolfinder.co/go/sunsama - Todoist - https://toolfinder.co/go/todoist - Wrike - https://toolfinder.co/go/wrike

Видео Digital Detox: 8 Tips for Offline Productivity автора Jolly Jesters
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