ZJSHUYI What is the principle of the foot switch and its characteristics?
ZJSHUYI What is the principle of the foot switch and its characteristics?
(1)、China high quality foot switch is a switch that controls the circuit by stepping or stepping on the foot, and is used in the control circuit that cannot be touched by the hands to achieve the purpose of operation instead of the hands.
(2)、The simple foot switch is actually a built-in travel switch, when the foot gives a signal, the switch is executed. However, the function of the foot switch in the welding field also plays the role of controlling the output current.
This type of Waterproof foot switch can also be divided into two categories:
1、 mechanical foot switch;
2、 induction foot switch.
(3)、The mechanical foot switch is a traditional rack and pinion drive, and the induction type is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction.
Foot switch HRF-M series, HRF-H series from the structure and function of the H-type (15A/250V opening and closing capacity) and M-type (10A/250V opening and closing capacity), distinguish from the material with flame retardant engineering plastics, steel plate, aluminum alloy.
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Видео ZJSHUYI What is the principle of the foot switch and its characteristics? автора Мелочи для дома: мини-решения
Видео ZJSHUYI What is the principle of the foot switch and its characteristics? автора Мелочи для дома: мини-решения
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