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What if business was just intentional conversations

Tune in on this week’s episode where Ashley wrangles with the notion that business might just be intentional conversation. She discusses how she has made content that has connected her with many people and gotten her message across just by simply talking to her audience. In this episode, you’ll find out how you can become an even better marketer. In this episode, we dive into: Why asking is important instead of just assuming How and where you can pull ideas out of thin air to continue to create content for your audience How to create offers that matter and make an impact too Wait, don’t forget your guac! Be sure to hop over to my Instagram where I dive more into how to create a customer-centric business through intentional communication and customer journeys. —————————————————————— 🥑 Follow me on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/ashleykdeluca/ 🥑 Subscribe for more content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfXDMj-GYo1jIj-lqkK3iQ 🥑 Grab my Top 5 Emails: http://ashleykdeluca.com/top5/ 🥑 Get started with Convertkit: https://ashleykdeluca.com/convertkit —————————————————————— DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description include affiliate links. When you make a purchase through the given links, I may receive a commission. There is no additional fees on your end for this! Providing you with the best and most accurate resources is important to me, and I appreciate the opportunity to bring that to you continuously! Please subscribe to see more!

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