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2024 03 20 UCLA Jewish Professors Under Attack A Call for Equity and Protection UC Regents

A professor at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine described how Jewish professors at UCLA are reporting that they are under attack by both peers and pupils solely due to their Jewish identity, their support for Israel's right to exist, or their Israeli nationality. We have reports of Jewish faculty being unjustly barraged with libelous, baseless negative evaluations and unwarranted grievances lodged with their departments. Shockingly, this blatant discrimination and antisemitism are not being condemned. Instead, some in positions of power in these departments are endorsing the accusers' claims, unjustly encouraging these Jewish educators to defend themselves against accusations of discrimination and coercing them to renounce intentions they never held. This is not just unacceptable—it is a profound injustice that betrays the very principles of equity and inclusion that our academic institutions claim to uphold! The Jewish Faculty Resilience Group urges the UC Regents to classify this matter as an "Incident of Concern" under B2(X). And discuss putting systems in place to ensure that Jews and Israeli faculty are protected from being libeled and discriminated against. Please support Jewish Faculty's fight against antisemitism here: https://www.jfrg.org/donate

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